Transport Canada: International Association of Airport Executives: Helicopter Association of Canada: |
British Columbia Aviation Council: Saskatchewan Aviation Council: |
Glossary of Terms
Approach/Departure Path: Elevated/Rooftop Heliport:
A heliport elevated more than 75cm above the normal elevation of the ground. Emergency Landing Area: An area where an unavoidable landing or ditching may take place with a reasonable expectancy of no injuries to persons or damage to property on the surface.
Final Approach and Take-Off Area (FATO):
A defined area over which the final phase of the approach manoeuvre to hover or landing is completed and from which the take-off manoeuvre is commenced. Obstacle:
An object that could have an adverse effect on the safe operation of aircraft in flight or on the ground. Safety Area:
A defined area surrounding the FATO which is kept free of obstacles other than objects required for navigation purposes. Surface Level Heliport:
A heliport located on the ground or a floating heliport located on the water. Touch Down and Lift-Off Area (TLOF):
A load-bearing area on which a helicopter may touch down or lift off. |
Transitional Surfaces:
A complex surface along the side of the safety area and part of the side of the approach/take-off surface that slopes upwards and outwards at a 1:2 slope to a height of 45m. Flight Path Divergence:
The outer edge of the flight path beginning at the outside edge of the safety area and diverging at a uniform rate (10% day use, 15% night use) from a line parallel to the center line of the flight path. Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS):
Consists of a plane in space defining the approach surface, take off surface, and transitional surface. NVG:
Night Vision Goggles Heliport:
An aerodrome used or intended to be used for the arrival, landing, takeoff or departure of vertical takeoff and landing aircraft (VTOL); Typically used in reference to a certified “Heliport” under the Transport Canada 305 and 325 regulations and standards. Helipad:
A designated area, usually with a prepared surface, used for the takeoff, landing, or parking of helicopters. The term is often used interchangeably with the more proper term “Heliport.” It is typically used to define a less formally developed landing area than a “Heliport.” |