Safety Management System Audits

The purpose of the external audit is to provide an Airport Authority with information in regard to how well it implements an SMS system. The SMS system manual content is assessed and measured against the requirements of written policies, documentation, reviews, and reporting. Staff interviews and record sampling are also conducted. Transport Canada staff instruction documents, check list formats, evaluations guides and advisory circulars are used by GroundEffect to prepare audit guide forms for conducting audits. GroundEffect staff develops the format of the audit based on the knowledge and strength of the SMS and audit training experience of their staff.


Operational audits are performed for the organization’s compliance with regulations, standards and best practices. In person interviews of staff are conducted to gather information as to how the organization runs and whether it falls within standard requirements. An organization document search is conducted to provide supporting evidence that all procedures are being followed. All collected data is compiled in a report summarizing findings and brought to the organization for review. Within the report recommendations are provided as how to improve in areas which are lacking. The conclusion of the audit process is an in-person meeting with the organization to review and recap the process, discuss the findings, and answer any questions the organization may have.

Red Deer, AB: 403.318.4275       Grand Forks, BC: 250.442.2744